Dr Neville Buch

Professional Historian

Dr Neville Buch

Dr Neville Buch is an expert on histories and historiography of big belief and doubt, researching on Personalism, Evangelicalism, Freethought, Rationalism, Humanism, Unitarian-Universalism, and Progressivism, during the 20th century. He has been a scholar in studies in religion and Australian-American intellectual history for 41 years, as well as a community participatory teacher. His work has internationalising with a collaboration of the Free Thinker Institute (New York City), in the production of a 1,000-page curriculum package manuscript into a commercially-viable guidebook for community education, based in Lebensphilosophie and Wissenschaft.


He has been a Q ANZAC Fellow at the State Library of Queensland (2015-2016), and a speechwriter and higher education researcher, working with four Vice-Chancellors. He is well-published and recognised for his contribution in the histories of both Catholic secondary and state primary education in Queensland, as well as histories in the cultural and religious shaping of Protestant and Catholic organisations. 


Dr Buch is affiliated with the School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry, University of Queensland as a former post-doctorate fellow and an associated researcher in Queensland history.

He is a Convenor, Sociology of Education Thematic Group, The Australian Sociological Association (TASA).




Looking for something different?
How do you know what is different unless you understand the past?
How can you understand the past unless the fragments join together?

Professional historians know where to find those missing pieces and are able to interpret accurately to produce precise & interesting narratives. All histories are like jigsaw puzzles, with the right pieces perfectly suited to fit together to show the world-picture; a picture that may never be complete, but does have integrity and a perspective towards the unfolding horizon.

A professional historian, such as Dr Neville Buch, is a person who puts such a jigsaw puzzle together better than others.



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About the Historian
Dr Neville Buch



Get in contact with
Dr Neville Buch

"Neville is a passionate advocate for history and extremely diligent historian."

Katie McConnel, Curator at Queensland University of Technology

"...Neville is an enthusiastic and conscientious historian with the ability to at once see both the complex, strategic picture regarding complex historical questions, and the detail required to flesh out derived answers, at the same time... "

Geoff Doherty, Local Historian

"...I have full confidence that Neville Buch can produce for you a thoroughly researched and well-written, useful and interesting historical compilation..."

Dr W. Ross Johnston

What Time Is It?

Anniversaries and commemorations come and go daily. Most of us, even the best historians, miss most occasions. If we think of history as events then we are faced with a continually showering in the grains of sand. Nevertheless, we do pick out certain patterns in the remembrance of historical dates. The blog here reminds us of some dates where the local, state, national, and global perspectives entwine.