The Wake-Up Message to the Head-in-the-Sand Culture-History Warriors…the world has changed and you are left at its margins, raging with no clear intelligence. You have become marginalised in understanding the new world, as you are marginalised in your poverty,...
Concepts in Educationalist Thought Series
Are Queensland power-brokers to learn from the FREE VCE History Roadshow?
Hi Stephen, Just a friendly reminder that I am serious about a former answer to my question and the email to you on 3 August (attached); from the Royal Historical Society of Queensland, the equivalent of the Royal Historical Society of Victoria, and also...
Part Three: Urban Rebellion and Community Education
Today, I welcome the opportunity to say a few words on linking "town planning rebellion" and the Brisbane history(ies) of local studies and the examination of municipal governance. Two names. In the case of the former, Rod Fisher, and, in the case, of the latter, John...
PART TWO: Historical Enterprises 1) Not Spoken, 2) Not Heard, 3) Not Understood
The political rhetoric diverts from the critical challenges and the better solutions. But it is even worse, in that a moment of thought, any "John, Dick, or Harry" can see through the masking -- and I am sure Harry, Dick, John, have already. Then what? Surely we must...
1982 and 2023, looking to 2032
Back in 2012, I and Dr Jonathan Richards examined and reported on the 1982 Cabinet Minutes for the Queensland State Archives. By accident, in addressing a concern from a Brisbane resident, and looking over work of the last decade, I discovered that the State of...
Conspiratorial Force, mostly no, mundane force of inertia, mostly yes…
As perspectivism -- that we perceive as a perspective in the moment; each person can decide for themselves how the world is. It is then the argument of social reality of each. I do not see how direct realism is possible, however, our theoretical orientation cannot be...
Judith Brett on Character
Judith Brett on Character I am very impressed with Judith’s (if I can be informal in my personal character) essay in The Monthly (August 2023). There...
This is a research note to preserve copyright and notice to this new and substantive thesis of the Anglo-American major belief-doubt systems, since the seventeenth century, which at the end of that century expanded, and transformed, the power of...
SBSF Submission as Feedback on Kurilpa Sustainable Growth Precinct
Minister for State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning (the Planning Minister) PO Box 15009, City East, Queensland 4002 Submission as Feedback on Kurilpa Sustainable Growth Precinct Temporary Local Planning Instrument No.1 of 2023...