“The [UK] creation of the Office for Students by the 2017 Higher Education and Research Act to ‘encourage competition between English higher education providers’ and to ‘promote value for money’ has been particularly instrumental in promoting...
Concepts in Educationalist Thought Series
I and My Colleagues have been Saying the Same Thing For Decades as Leading Journalistic Statements: So, Why I NOT Employed or Contracted?
Dear friends, Not understanding the A.I. risks. Tyler Austin Harper (2024). The Big Ai Risk Not Enough People Are Seeing: Beware technology that makes us less human, The Atlantic, MAY 21, 2024, 6 AM ET. GIFT ARTICLE In 1977, Ivan Illich,...
Centrism (now called neopopulism): I said it, now the NYT is reporting it May 19, 2024
Dear Friends, and I thank Graham Perrett's office for its recent kind support, and several friends who made sure I have not gone under, I said it, now the NYT is reporting it May 19, 2024: Gift Article (I paid for it, the least you can do is read)...
Not Monetary Arguments, But we do need to retire outdated cynical arguments
Questions regarding the value of a college education have spiked recently, highlighted by high-profile media coverage. Beyond the hype, three substantive attacks have been levied: (1) the college wage premium is illusory, (2) the lifetime wealth premium that college...
Reading. Why we each need to Revolt Against the Ethos of Our Times?
The first in a series of articles about how today’s traditional-age college students experience the world — and how it affects their education. Theresa MacPhail is a pragmatist. In her 15 years of teaching, as the number of students who complete their reading...
It is What I Have Been Saying: Tillich
Paul Tillich, in 1944, spoke to the history of Existential Thought (attached below). Incredibly, it is exactly what I have stated in the one paragraph below. It is what I have been saying for the last two years, for those who I have sought attention from, and I have...
It is Not Only Me Saying It: The Now-Open Dirty (corrupt) Secret of National-State and University Governance
https://www.chronicle.com/article/the-gutting-of-the-liberal-arts?utm_source=Iterable&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=campaign_9519245_nl_Academe-Today_date_20240409&cid=at&sra=true READ!!!! THINK!!!! ACT!!!! David C.K. Curry, The Gutting...
2024-04-05 RGSQ Reply to Dr Buch. Understanding Differences and Perspective
2024-04-05 RGSQ Reply to Dr Buch ******* 6 April 2024 Dr Neville Buch 18 Callendar Street Sunnybank Hills Q 4109 [email protected] Dear Dr Buch Thank you for providing feedback on the forum, A Housing Crisis – Queensland...
Educational Placement Poverty and Generations
In the 2021 Australian and New Zealand History of Education Society (ANZHES) paper, Lived higher education policy and grand generational narratives at the University of Melbourne 2005-2008: An educational critique of Karl...