Obituary. Don Cupitt 1934-2025, from the President of the Sea of Faith in Australia Inc. Dr Neville Buch Australians thinkers are both sadden and joyful at the passing of Don Cupitt (1934-2025). Sadden as it is a reminder of our own losses in death....
Concepts in Religious Thought Series
The Critical Review of Tom Holland: Great Errors in Apologetics and Historiographies
This blog article is Buch, Neville (2025; a plan for a book). Why the Disciplines and No Apologetics? Part 3: Understanding Historiography: defeating the culture-history warfare over the false binary in ‘religion’ and ‘secularity’, Dr Neville Buch ABN:...
Lebensphilosophie in Queensland, 1 December 2024.
Update Preface. Dr Michael Macklin is a former Dean at the University of New England: the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science from 2002 to 2007, and Macklin also represented the University as the Director, UNE...
The Sea of Faith and The Theological Technical House of Horror (Paid Advertising)
David Miller Moderator Top contributor Hi Neville - You have informed us that: "Most educated Christians are more heretical than the ancient Christians of Rome." I will list some of their modern all-pervasive heresies: 1. The...
Why the film Heretic? Why Heretic Humanism?
Sam has asked me to write a paragraph on this question because persons are troubled by horror. It is the same conventional reaction to Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, which is a film directed by Kenneth Branagh. Horror disturbs conventional thinking. To be a heretic is...
The Challenge to AASR
Getting knocked back for a publication is not a concern, in and of itself, but the issue is how today’s academics are not yet understanding the emerging scholarship of cognition histories and cognition sociology. Below is such a rejection letter....
The Sociology of Teen Challenge (Qld) Inc. An Academic Paper on Cognition Histories
Teen Challenge (Qld) Inc. existed as a youth charity and a set of programs in drug rehabilitation. It is also a case study of a regional Christian organisation working out its thinking for 40 years. The Sociology of Teen Challenge (Qld) Inc....
The Concept of the Level Playing Field
NDB. The Level Playing Field Saturday, 3 August 2024 ONLINE APPLICATION TO WHOM IT CONCERNS Dear Friend, Attached is the draft essay, “The Concept of the Level Playing Field.” I am the sole author and disclaim all...
Draft SoFiA Position Statement (1 July 2024)
“SOFiA is a network of Australians interested in openly exploring issues of life and meaning through reason, philosophy, ethics, religion, science and the arts. We want to explore for ourselves what we can believe and how we can find meaning in our lives.” ...