
Interdisciplinary research is ‘paid lip service’

Interdisciplinary research is ‘paid lip service’

Dear friends,       What I have been saying for the last few years in the local context, and I just get ignored.    ...

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Truth Matters, Now and Later

Truth Matters, Now and Later

It has been said so many times, but who listens and understands?     Featured Image: ORDER NUMBER: 27495; DATE: October 9, 2023; TOTAL: $35.00; PAYMENT METHOD: Credit Card

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Hope from a Letter

Hope from a Letter

Well, this was unexpected. PM Acknowledgement Letter     A letter from the Prime Minister of Australia, and, although not personally but through his Office, it is the first time I have had an acknowledgment from the highest office in our beloved country; a...

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What I do?

What I do?

Someone said to me this morning: "I do not do philosophy. I get up early in the morning. I go to bed late at night". Well, that sounds to be a particular philosophical idea.   Nevertheless, it demonstrated to me confusion on my work. What I do, is explained in this...

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Heritage Values in the Queensland State Government?

Heritage Values in the Queensland State Government?

Heritage Values in the Queensland State Government? Don't believe it!     After 5.00 p.m., today (29 September 2023) at the end of business, I and a senior bureaucrat were sent an email of a s36A Notice - Non Complying Application (below) which will lead to...

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The misery of rankings and machine thinking

The misery of rankings and machine thinking

“Oxford University’s Professor of Higher Education Simon Marginson said he disliked the Times rankings because there was no rationale for the mix and ratio of the weightings. Meanwhile, he said survey responses from academics were subjective and often unduly amplified...

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