“Oxford University’s Professor of Higher Education Simon Marginson said he disliked the Times rankings because there was no rationale for the mix and ratio of the weightings. Meanwhile, he said survey responses from academics were subjective and often unduly amplified...
Re: A Discussion Among Friends: SoFiA and Faith, Adelaide-Melbourne Progressivism and all that Jazz!
Dear folks, I felt the best thing I can do at this point is review different discussions in different quarters, and try to bring some mutual understanding. There are overlapping elements but they take the conversation off in different directions, and that's okay, as...
Open Letter to Unawares and Intended No Voters
Dear friend, You are intending to vote ‘No’ in the upcoming referendum, and yet I call you ‘friend’. I have no animosity to those who wish to vote ‘No’. The purpose of my open letter is create some awareness in your consideration of the vote, one...
Australian Higher Education System is Stuck, Why Can NOT the VC See nothing has changed in the last two decades?
Dear University of Queensland, Queensland University of Technology, and Griffith Vice-Chancellors, From the RMIT VC, Professor Alec Cameron: "Higher education and vocational education can work together to support the myriad journeys through learning and work, giving...
A Moment of Grief: Memory and the Presence
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdP4AfKGr-I I am crying, tears which have not been shed for some time. I am unwell. I had the flu on Friday, which was the onset of a nasty intestinal bacterial infection. I have been told from a...
Behind the Wizard’s Curtain: Social Media and the Early 21st Century
Apparently, "I am being blocked by Quora", and I thought I was (not so). There have certainly been times when Quora has blocked my scholarly answers. On this occasion I wrote a post commending an answer about “What is it about Australian culture that...
Rating or Ranting Business, for 2023 (Half-Joke)
Licensed Image: Order Receipt #1139-55.45 Rate me if you wish.
Re-Thinking Australian-American Paradigms
Without doubt, Allan Megill is the best intellectual historian in the United States. His paradigm on what constitutes historical knowledge, and what constitutes historical error, is the framing for my multidisciplinary work. There are three American scholars, who have...
2023-2025 NDB Book Project Priorities
In 2021, I set out my book research and writing priorities for the three years 2021-2023. I had started this strategy in 2018, when I set out my book research and writing priorities for the three years 2018-2020. The gap year of 2020 in book planning was a reset from...