The Importance Of History In Our Own Lives?

Context is all important in asking any question? And these days a key question is the importance of history. Pragmatic agendas of the daily grind obscure how significance the study of the past is for getting a perspective on how to live a better life. This blog looks at how different present contexts are better understood from what preceded.

The Work of Dzavid Haveric for Queensland History

The Work of Dzavid Haveric for Queensland History

Dr Dzavid Haveric of Charles Sturt University is the leading historian in the story of Muslim-Australian experiences. He has also published about an Islamic leader, sometime ago, in Queensland history, who was a philosopher.   His work covers those experiences of...

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Happy Birthday. Accountability would be a wonderful gift!

Happy Birthday. Accountability would be a wonderful gift!

Today, is my birthday, my 63rd birthday. For a treat I had my first formal "conversation" with 'generative artificial intelligence' (G.I.A.). It was weird as the G.I.A. reported clearer ideas, clearer intelligence, than the human beings who have decision-making powers...

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31 May 2024 AEST

31 May 2024 AEST

What a day!       Donald J. Trump becomes a convicted felon. 2. One of my significant academic-scholar mentor, John Moses past; and significantly, 3. an important review essay for the field of Australian contemporary studies-in-religion and social...

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Dear Colleagues,             Ingrid Moses messaged last night that John had died, after a long illness, although he was still quite sharp still in the last weeks and we had been messaging often. He was 91.       Quite...

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