What Is History Meaning?

History is Events, People, Places, and Themes. That seems clear enough to most readers of history. What is less obvious and often missed is the meaning of Events, People, Places, and Themes, and thus the meaning of history. Many feel that in just mapping such elements and knowing where things fit chronologically, we have history. Nothing could be further from the truth. In such an outlook we have not really discovered history.

Ruth the Squirrel

Ruth the Squirrel

Ruth the Squirrel Live to Work Work to Live Like Squirrels Of Winter In Boston Common. Pressure to Grow Delights of Sex Like Squirrels Of Spring In Boston Common. Tourist Performance Sing for your Supper! Like Squirrels Of Summer In Boston Common. Income only No...

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Historical Amnesia and Uncovering School History

Historical Amnesia and Uncovering School History

Schools and education policy   “It has become commonplace to remark that historians of education have become less interested in schools and schooling, and more interested in a wider range of educational institutions, not to mention education that takes place...

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Mitt Romney Thesis and Evangelicalism

Mitt Romney Thesis and Evangelicalism

David French’s article in The Atlantic (October 14, 2022) is an interesting analysis on 'The Trump' phenomena. French connects Trumpism to the Mitt Romney martyr thesis on events of 2012, and, behind that pattern of behaviour, a right-wing version of American...

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The Squeezed

The Squeezed

My new sociological model. Politicians and bureaucrats at the top, bottom-thinking in a tight bubble of a worldview, and thinking well of their 'success'. The public frustrated at policy failure. And policy researchers and developers in the squeeze of being...

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Who is objecting to the Voice of the Historian?

Who is objecting to the Voice of the Historian?

"History and historians play a crucial role in Australian culture. They are foundational to other fields in the arts, with historical research often underpinning film, theatre, literature and even, on occasion, dance. A government serious about implementing a cultural...

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