I am responding to the below-mentioned Campaign and the thinking in reaction to a meme, posted on the Facebook page of the Queensland Parents for Secular State Schools. “This, in a nutshell, is why [meme] there should be no religious instruction in...
Concepts in UQ Philosophy and History
THE CLASSICS CURRICULUM AT UQ 1911-1949. PART 2: The Design of Curriculum
Compared to the history and philosophy areas of universities in the early twentieth century, the curriculum of the Classics changed little. There was still change. There were always minor changes, across the curriculum in proscribed books and authors, and adjustments...
THE PHILOSOPHY CURRICULUM AT UQ 1911-1949. PART 2: The Design of Curriculum
Compared to the others of the University curriculum, in particular to modern history, the area of philosophy changed little in the period 1911-1949. However, the scoping of the school changed dramatically, and the change in the curriculum design of the same lessons is...
THE HISTORY CURRICULUM AT UQ 1911-1949. PART 2: The Design of Curriculum
What did the University of Queensland teach under the different disguises of ‘History’ before 1949? It began as British History, Constitutional History, and Economics. First, British history was the one lecture course in 1911-1913, with two lecture sets, “The...