This is how intelligent and sensible politics is done.
“In return, the university will form an advisory committee made up of student, faculty, and staff members to ‘provide a conduit to engagement’ with its investment committee; answer questions “to the best of its knowledge and to the extent legally possible” about its investments held currently or in the last quarter; build a community space for Middle Eastern, North African, and Muslim students; and fund two full-time Palestinian faculty members for two years and the full cost of attendance for five Palestinian undergraduate students, with a pledge to raise funds for the long-term sustainability of the program. The university also agreed to “engage students in a process dedicated to ensuring additional support for Jewish and Muslim students” through its student-affairs office.”
Now, why can’t our local, regional, and national decision-makers take the same cognitive approach. Why do ‘they’ — person’s each — still wish to play in conflict?
Featured Image: Can You [Swear] Think, I Mean Really Think (Deep and Wide in Thought) 1.
Image: Can You [Swear] Think, I Mean Really Think (Deep and Wide in Thought) 2.
Image: Can You [Swear] Think, I Mean Really Think (Deep and Wide in Thought) 3.
Neville Buch
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