The timing of it was interesting for me personally on the global narrative of the collapse of SVB and Signature. On Monday my application with the Commonwealth for a credit card was denied, and I put it down to my income and budget based on a slow business model. The...
Intellectual History
Sinclair Lewis Collection at PWPL
Featured Image: Dr Neville Buch in the Sinclair Lewis Collection, Port Washington, Long Island, New York State (USA). Dear Dr. Buch, It was a pleasure to meet you this afternoon and show you the PWPL’s materials on Sinclair Lewis. Here is a link to a Google Arts and...
Letter. Explaining Myself in the Hope of Dialogue, 29 January 2023
Dear American friends, I am leaving Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, tonight, for a country I have critically admired my whole life. It is the second trip, the last in 30...
HA Inc. Medium Publication. A Critical Review of 2022 Theos Annual Lecture by Tom Holland
A Critical Review of 2022 Theos Annual Lecture by Tom Holland, published by Humanist Australia Inc. on the Medium platform. Follow the link:
Regarding Our Education Systems Needing Thinking in Contemporaneous Compatibilist Epistemology
The 2022 Australian and New Zealand History of Education (ANZHES) Conference From selections of the ANZHES Newsletter December 2022, with comments. This blog article -- call it what you like -- "academic", "populist", "community", any political semantics, to ignore...
Neo-Orthodoxy Today from Historical Legacy
Introduction Today, we hear stories of Orthodox Judaism, and in this recent article from The Chronicle of Higher Education, we learn that ‘new orthodoxy’ is a ‘thing’. Image: Online story, Sylvia Goodman. ‘Alternative’ or ‘Sham’? Yeshiva U. Created a New LGBTQ...
A Message to the Queensland Parents for Secular State Schools
I am responding to the below-mentioned Campaign and the thinking in reaction to a meme, posted on the Facebook page of the Queensland Parents for Secular State Schools. “This, in a nutshell, is why [meme] there should be no religious instruction in...
What’s the brand plan? Games boss wants to nail the essence of Brisbane — The Complex Answer
Dear Editor, InQueensland , I am a member of the Professional Historians Association (Queensland) Inc., Australian Historical Association Inc., and my work over the decade goes to the Mapping Brisbane History (MBH) Project, and the Brisbane Southside History...
The Squeezed
My new sociological model. Politicians and bureaucrats at the top, bottom-thinking in a tight bubble of a worldview, and thinking well of their 'success'. The public frustrated at policy failure. And policy researchers and developers in the squeeze of being...