On This Day: Saturday, 14 December 2019

December 14, 2019
On This Day: Saturday, 14 December 2019

Anniversaries and commemorations come and go daily. Most of us, even the best historians, miss most occasions. If we think of history as events then we are faced with a continually showering in the grains of sand. Nevertheless, we do pick out certain patterns in the remembrance of historical dates. The blog here reminds us of some dates where the local, state, national, and global perspectives entwine.

On 14, Saturday December 1844, Melchor Múzquiz, 5th President of Mexico, died (b. 1790)
On 14, Thursday December 1944, The Liberal Party of Australia is formed, replacing the United Australia Party.
On 14, Thursday December 1944, The Soviet government changes Turkish place names to Russian in the Crimea.
On 14, Thursday December 1944, United States release of the film National Velvet, which brings a young Elizabeth Taylor to stardom.
On 14, Monday December 1959, Makarios III is selected the first president of Cyprus.
On 14, Monday December 1959, Evan Ziporyn, American composer, born
On 14, Monday December 1959, Edna Wallace Hopper, American stage actress, died (b. 1872)
On 14, Monday December 1959, Stanley Spencer, British painter, died (b. 1891)
On 14, Sunday December 1969, Rob Oakeshott, politician, born
On 14, Sunday December 1969, The murder of Diane Maxwell takes place, when the 25-year-old phone operator is found sexually assaulted and killed (the case remains unsolved until 2003).
On 14, Sunday December 1969, Archie Kao, Chinese-American film and television actor, born
On 14, Friday December 1979, Michael Owen, English footballer, born
On 14, Friday December 1979, Ken Leishman, Canadian criminal, died (b. 1931)
On 14, Thursday December 1989, Chile holds its first free election in sixteen years, electing Patricio Aylwin as president.
On 14, Thursday December 1989, Onew, Korean singer, member of Korean group (SHINee), born
On 14, Thursday December 1989, Jock Mahoney, American actor, died (b. 1919)
On 14, Thursday December 1989, Andrei Sakharov, Soviet physicist and activist, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize (declined), died (b. 1921)
On 14, Wednesday December 1994, Construction commences on the Three Gorges Dam, at Sandouping, China.
On 14, Monday December 2009, Jack Denham, 85, horse trainer, died

Other On This Day days in history

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Neville Buch (Pronounced Book) Ph.D. is a certified member of the Professional Historians Association (Queensland). Since 2010 he has operated a sole trade business in history consultancy. He was a Q ANZAC 100 Fellow 2014-2015 at the State Library of Queensland. Dr Buch was the PHA (Qld) e-Bulletin, the monthly state association’s electronic publication, and was a member of its Management Committee. He is the Managing Director of the Brisbane Southside History Network.

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