Conservative Public History, 20 June: Registration now open

Dear friends,

I am appearing and presenting on




Buckley in Australia: Considering Local Social Discourses in


Sir Thomas Playford’s and Don Dunstan’s South Australia (1938-65; 1967-8, 1970-9),

Joseph Cahill’s and Sir Robert Askin’s New South Wales (1952-9; 1965-75),

Sir Henry Bolte’s and Sir Rupert Hamer’s Victoria (1955-72; 1972-81),

Sir Francis Nicklin’s and Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen’s Queensland (1957-68; 1968-87),

Eric Reece’s and Sir Angus Bethune’s Tasmania (1958-69, 1972-5; 1969-72), and

Sir David Brand’s and Sir Charles Court’s Western Australia (1959–71; 1974-82).




at the online Conservative Public History workshop, 20 June, FREE.



Features sessions on public history and conservative thought in Brazil, UK, USA, Spain, Colombia, Poland, Australia and Nigeria.




My ten minute presentation (this is a global taster) goes to:




 Buccola’s book (2019) on James Baldwin and William F. Buckley Jr., in the context of the American 1960s Race debates, had made it clear that Buckley is the archetypal intellectual backdrop to Trumpism, a right-wing populist reactionary movement. To understand Buckley in the context of the 1950s and 1960s, from the work of historians and sociologists of the time, particularly Hofstadter (1963) and Mills (1956), conservatism changed in global Americanisation, shifting from socially cautious Burkean conservatism to Buckley’s co-joining traditional ways of life to the State Rights narratives. Australia had the same Buckleyan state rights process from local, social discourses.




It is a late night (AEST) if you wish to go right through, but, I believe, it is worth it, since Australians (and my American friends) need the education on our historical era we are still living through.




Registration information is here:




Featured Image (hyperlinked):