Robert Cady Saler (2024). “Death to the World” and Apocalyptic Theological Aesthetics, T&T Clark (Bloomsbury), pp. 152, e-book US$ 122.41 discounted, hardcover US$ 153.00.
David Fergusson (2024). Reformed Humanism: Essays on Christian Doctrine, Philosophy, and Church, T&T Clark (Bloomsbury), pp. 304, e-book US$ 122.41 discounted, hardcover US$ 153.00.
This blog article is both 1) a plea to be employed, or have a contract, to the level of my knowledge-base and skills, and 2) a clear demonstration that I am an academic and popular scholar at the global cutting-edge of several fields of knowledge, and 3), from the blog article, the question has to be ask why I am not employed or contracted in an Australian university or think-tank.
Two recently-published books is introduced as evidence: Robert Cady Saler’s “Death to the World” and Apocalyptic Theological Aesthetics, and David Fergusson’s Reformed Humanism: Essays on Christian Doctrine, Philosophy, and Church. The former is the global problem; and my local-regional-national academic and popular scholarly work in exploring, intellectually (i.e. what are the ideas), the problem. The latter is a major way to a solution; a likely shift based on my spiral historiography model. I cannot afford either books, currently, living off social security. However, I can ascertain that these books demonstrated that my work in the scoping of local, regional, and national “thinking” is at the global cutting-edge in research, writing, and publications.
Robert Cady Saler’s “Death to the World” and Apocalyptic Theological Aesthetics, this is what is said:
Robert Saler examines the small but influential Death to the World movement in US Eastern Orthodox Christianity. Presenting a case study in theological aesthetics, Saler demonstrates how a relatively small consumer phenomenon within US Eastern Orthodoxy sits at the centre of a variety of larger questions, including:
– The relationship between formal ecclesial and para-church structures
– The role of the Internet in modern religiosity
– Consumer structures and patterns as constitutive of piety
– How theology can help us understand art and vice versaUnderstanding “Death to the World” as an instance of lived religion tied to questions of identity, politics of religious purity, relationships to capitalism, and concerns over conspiracy theory helps us to see how studies of uniquely American Eastern Orthodox identity must address these broader cultural strands.
David Fergusson’s Reformed Humanism: Essays on Christian Doctrine, Philosophy, and Church, this is what is said
The volume comprises a collection of essays ordered in three parts, each of which describes broadly the sub-fields of theology to which these belong. The essays tackle core themes in Christian doctrine, the longstanding relationship of theology to philosophy, and a series of challenges facing churches today. While the volume represents a Reformed theological approach often with a historical focus, it self-consciously reflects an ecumenical and critical perspective. The term ‘humanism’ reflects an openness to insight, understanding and correction from different fields of knowledge, while its ‘Reformed’ designation positions the work within a recognized theological tradition though seeking to avoid imprisonment by it.
A further feature of the collection is its attempt to overcome the curricular divisions between systematic theology, Christian ethics, and practical theology. The third section in particular deal with issues in social ethics, theological aesthetics, the place of the church in a secular culture, and the role of theology in the university.
Much of these insights have been published in my:
- Buch, N. (2024). Damien B. Schlarb, Melville’s Wisdom: Religion, Skepticism, and Literature in Nineteenth-Century America, Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, 37(1), Special Issue: New Perspectives on Religions and Traditions, 135-7, ISBN 978-0-197-58556-6 (hbk).
- Buch, Neville (2024). Queensland History, Religious Education, and Belief, in David W. Kim and Duncan Wright’s Socio-Anthropological Approaches to Religion: Environmental Hope, Edited by David W. Kim and Duncan Wright, London: Lexington Books.
- Buch, N. (2023). W. Y. Alice Chan, Teaching Religious Literacy to Combat Religious Bullying: Insights from North American Secondary Schools. Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, 36(2), 263–264.
- Buch, N. (2021).Book Review of Blin, Arnaud, War and Religion: Europe and the Mediterranean from the First through the Twenty-first Centuries, University of California Press, 2019, pp. 335, ISBN 9780520961753, Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, Volume 34, No 2.
- Buch, Neville (2021). The Intellectual Ethos of Charles Strong in Queensland 1855-1917, in Marion Maddox’s, Charles Strong’s Australian Church: Christian Social Activism, 1885–1917, University of Melbourne Press.
- Buch, Neville (2016). A Quest for a Fair Go: A History of the KSC in Queensland (with Beryl Roberts). Stafford, Qld. The Knights of the Southern Cross (Qld) (pp. 281).
- Buch, Neville (2015). No Regrets in the Evening of Life: The History of Junction Park State School (1888-2013). Boolarong Press (pp. 459).
- Buch, Neville (2014). Celebrating 40 Years. St Thomas More College, God’s Servant First (1974-2014). St Thomas More College (pp. 123).
- Buch, N. (2007). Religion Remain a Problem. The Skeptic. Summer 2007.
- Buch, N. (2007).The Value of the Secular. Quadrant. Volume 51, No. 1, March 2007.
Now, this is what what my colleagues do, who are employed or contracted at local institutions, but, looking at the chapter outline of each book, we find that I have translated the knowledge of global thinking into the local-regional-national public history and sociology:
Robert Cady Saler’s “Death to the World” and Apocalyptic Theological Aesthetics, this is listed:
Introduction: Marketplace and Identity. I have shown that its idiotic employment practices that skews the thinking on “big belief and doubt.”
1. Concepts in Public History for Marketplace Dialogue:
2. Neo-Orthodoxy Today from Historical Legacy:
3. Lee A. Dew. The “Professional” Historian and Local History:
4. The American Modernism of The Great Gatsby: Concepts of Landscape, Persons, and Time-Past:
5. Essay 3 — The Spirit (1967-1975). Jesus Revolution (1967-1971).
6. Public Transport System of Brisbane: A Conversation with the folk of South-East Queensland:
Chapter 2: Reaching a Lost Generation: The Zine Begins. I have shown that the Lost Generation of a hundred years ago contributes to our current state of affair.
7. Spiral Historiography: 1. Widely-Believed Falsehood, 2. Accountability, 3. Falsehood Retreats, 4. Historical Forgetfulness:
8. The American Modernism of The Great Gatsby: Concepts of Landscape, Persons, and Time-Past:
9. Jesus Revolution: Film Propaganda or History?
Antiquarianism, Intellectual Confusion, and the Worship of Unintelligent Fiction:
8. D.H. Lawrence’s Kangaroo (1923): One Hundred Years On, Questioning Social Philosophy and Policy for Today:
9. The Grapes of Wrath: A Retrospect on the Folkish Expression of Justice in Popular Culture and Family:
10. The Memories – Road Trip Day 2: Neville Still Alive, Ruth as History, the Great Journey we Wanted:
11. Sigmund Freud and C.S. Lewis, The Humanist Overlap and Differences: Humanist Brisbane (Humanists Australia) Film and Dinner Event, Monday April 1 (Easter Monday).
12. Brisbane Humanists Film and Dinner Discussion: The Way, My Way.
Chapter 3: Revival and Influence. I have shown the role of the American Revivalist Tradition (ART) in our state of affair.
13. American influence on Protestantism in Queensland since 1945; Neville Douglas Buch, School of History, Philosophy, Religion, and Classics, The University of Queensland, 1995:
15. The American Revivalist Tradition Mark II:
16. Why the Disciplines and No Apologetics? Part 1: The Collapse of Schaefferan Apologetics:
Chapter 4: Whose Authority to Fight? I have shown that it is right and proper to resist unjust authority, even when it is “of the people.”
17. Why the Disciplines and No Apologetics? Part 1: The Collapse of Schaefferan Apologetics:
18. 8 Values Political Test: Why informing opinion is better than behavioural psychology?
19. The 2024 State of the Union Speech: Commentary from an Australian-American Relational Historian:
Chapter 5: Theological Potential(S). I have shown that the potential of theology in Australia.
21. Concept, Semantics, and Strategies for the Level Playing Field:
22. 2024-03-13 Habermas and Public Theology Presentation Text and PowerPoint.
23. The Language and Ignorance of the Culture Warrior and Knowledge of Religion & Culture in Late 20th Century Queensland:
24. Revelatory and Recovery Moments: Assessing Life’s Journeys and Directions:
25. D.H. Lawrence’s Kangaroo (1923): One Hundred Years On, Questioning Social Philosophy and Policy for Today:
David Fergusson’s Reformed Humanism: Essays on Christian Doctrine, Philosophy, and Church, this is listed:
Part One: Christian Doctrine: 2. The Power of God: Its Use and Abuse as a Theological Concept. I have shown that the historiographical use and abuse in the Image of God (imago dei).
26. Neo-Orthodoxy Today from Historical Legacy:
28. Why the Disciplines and No Apologetics? Part 1: The Collapse of Schaefferan Apologetics:
29. Revelatory and Recovery Moments: Assessing Life’s Journeys and Directions:
Part One: Christian Doctrine: 5. Providence. I have shown what the role of providence has in our current state of affairs.
30. Brewer’s Insights on Popular Historiography:
31. Revelatory and Recovery Moments: Assessing Life’s Journeys and Directions:
32. What is Wrong with “the world”: A Christmas Thought in Our Violent Times:
Part Two: Philosophy: 8. Hume as Religious Sceptic. I have shown what the role of skepticism has in our current state of affairs.
33. Rationalism & Skepticism History:
34. Neo-Orthodoxy Today from Historical Legacy:
35. A Brief Look at Psychological Theories in Group Psychology, and Epistemology:
Part Two: Philosophy: 9. Adam Smith on Ethics and Religion. I have shown that market ethics is what theory articulates in the current state of affairs.
36. Synopsis for Book Project: Education for Faith and Belief – Religious Instruction, Religious Education, and Christian Education in Queensland 1875-2020:
37. Letter: Education ? All Types of Placement poverty in Australia:
38. 2023-08-28 Plea to the Queensland State Government:
Nietzsche and Methods of History – Being Active
Part Two: Philosophy: 10. Natural Theology After Darwin. I have shown what the role of naturalism has in our current state of affairs.
39. Synopsis for Book Project. Horizon Worldviews: The Makings of A Broad Society In Queensland 1911-2001 (a Philosophic History):
40. Mapping Locations on the Mind-Brain Belief Spectrum:
41. The Ontological Compass:
Part Three: Church: 11. Theology of Worship: A Reformed Perspective. I have shown what the role of Reformed Theology has in our current state of affairs.
43. Neo-Orthodoxy Today from Historical Legacy:
44. Antiquarianism, Intellectual Confusion, and the Worship of Unintelligent Fiction:
45. Sartre on Humanism – Annotated. CRT No. 2:
Part Three: Church: 12. Reformed Theology and Visual Culture. I have shown that what the cultural impacts are from Reformed Theology in our current state of affairs.
46. Why the Disciplines and No Apologetics? Part 1: The Collapse of Schaefferan Apologetics:
47. Synopsis for Book Project: Education for Faith and Belief – Religious Instruction, Religious Education, and Christian Education in Queensland 1875-2020:
48. Essay 2 — Historical Overview. The Days of “Teen Challenge Inc. Antecedence.”
Part Three: Church: 13. Mapping the Church: Current Challenges of History and Mission. I am continuing to mapping the local Church culture.
49. Mapping Brisbane History Project:
Part Three: Church: 14. The Bible in Modernity. I have shown that American modernism has shaped the global reading of the Bible.
50. Concepts in Public History for Marketplace Dialogue:
51. Neo-Orthodoxy Today from Historical Legacy:
52. Lee A. Dew. The “Professional” Historian and Local History:
53. The American Modernism of The Great Gatsby: Concepts of Landscape, Persons, and Time-Past:
Part Three: Church: 15. Reformed Social Theology: Contexts and Constants. I have shown that Reformed Social Theology is skewed in a misunderstanding of conservatism.
54. Why the Disciplines and No Apologetics? Part 2: The History and Future of Apologetics Courses in Christian colleges: The Historiographical Challenges from Marc Bloch (1886-1944):
Part Three: Church: 16. Theology and Therapy. I have given examples of therapy-driven theology, which is not all bad, but always misses something intellectually.
55. Synopsis for Book Project. The Educated Society, Queensland 1859-2009 – Landscape and Culture in the Groundwork of the Mapping Brisbane Education Project:
56. Essay 9 — Learning the Lessons for Teen Challenge Inc. Australia (1957-2020):
57. The History of Ruth 1:
58. The History of Ruth 2:
Part Three: Church: 17. The Place of Christian Theology in the University. I have shown that higher education and universities have failed according to our large, and often entangled, horizon worldviews.
59. Synopsis for Book Project. Horizon Worldviews: The Makings of A Broad Society In Queensland 1911-2001 (a Philosophic History):
60. Teaching Projects:
With this evidence that 1) for a plea to be employed, or have a contract, to the level of my knowledge-base and skills, and 2) a clear demonstration that I am an academic and popular scholar at the global cutting-edge of several fields of knowledge, then 3), from the blog article, the question has to be ask why I am not employed or contracted in an Australian university or think-tank.
I end this blog article with a series of public statements on my work:
“…give me time to absorb Neville’s work and schedule a meetup with you so you and I can also go ‘NEXT level’.”
“I should mention that I read the paper on Runcorn that you e-mailed me in the summer and enjoyed it a lot.” [a global sociologist from the United States]
“By contrast, studies of individual schools are comparatively rare in the periodical literature for 2016, although some are mentioned in other sections of this review. Two articles in the Australian journal History of Education Review are exceptions: Neville Douglas Buch and Beryl Roberts present a quantitative study of pupils from a Brisbane school in the early twentieth century, while Tony James Brady considers the education of warders’ children at the St Helena Penal Establishment in Queensland in the late nineteenth.”
“Thanks for that reference, I have read it. What a pleasant change, to see an academic reference to support a point of view.”
“Yours has the distinction of being the last paper I edited for Lucas at the end of my 30 year stint. It was a good note on which to finish.”
“That’s a great strong letter you’ve written there. I hope you get a response and a result.”
“Many thanks Neville for the kind message. And apologies for the inevitable silence which must descend as I try to makes sense of, and contribute to, a very different role. But appreciate your support and encouragement along the way.”
“Your project proposal exploring the foundations of the History profession in Queensland and the importance of UQ’s historians, was highly regarded by the panel.”
“I want to express my appreciation for your recent application for the position of Program Director (The Queensland Commitment) R-38317. Your interest in joining The University of Queensland truly means a lot to us, and we are genuinely appreciative of the effort and time you dedicated to your application.”
Neville Buch
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