Image: ID 44055351 © Ysbrand |
This is how my daytime ended, driving over the high rise of Kessels Road, Robertson, looking out across western Brisbane to the mountain ranges which hid the Brisbane upriver valleys. Coopers Plains below, flat and open space, splashed in pinkish tones.
In the car descending down towards Orange Grove Road my thought was I wished I could take a photograph, but then I reminded myself it was about the experience, not the image. There would be plenty of photographers who would capture the image, irrespective of whether it was the scene before me. It was the experience of this scene that mattered, and to live in the moment.
My thought was then that I felt alive, I was really alive. That was the experience in the scene before me. And I knew this in a way that I had not experienced before. You see, you only really know what it is to feel alive when your lover is dead. I am alive and she is not.
I would not wish that feeling on anyone, but it is a lesson that life is extremely valuable in how we experience it. Remember your lover, and if she/he/or whatever is alive, share the experience and treasure it.
Neville Buch
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