
Are Christianists Christian?

Are Christianists Christian?

Christianist     Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more Christianist /ˈkrɪstʃənɪst/ US noun an advocate or supporter of fundamentalist Christian beliefs. "radical Christianists" adjective relating to, advocating, or supporting fundamentalist Christian beliefs....

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Erich Fromm and 21st Century Escapism

Erich Fromm and 21st Century Escapism

I would be interested to know if anyone is aware of a study of cultural-social psychology from the claim of Erich Fromm in 1960.   "...and yet nobody has any true aim. We are alienated with ourselves, we don't feel much, and certainly we don't feel intensely, all we...

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The misery of rankings and machine thinking

The misery of rankings and machine thinking

“Oxford University’s Professor of Higher Education Simon Marginson said he disliked the Times rankings because there was no rationale for the mix and ratio of the weightings. Meanwhile, he said survey responses from academics were subjective and often unduly amplified...

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