Standing in line, marking time Waiting for the welfare dime 'Cause they can't buy a job The man in the silk suit hurries by As he catches the poor old ladies' eyes Just for fun he says, "get a job" Why do we put up with it? That's...
Right-On, David: Why do I not have the Job of the Under-Qualified and Over-Confident?
Finally, David, among the Queensland journalists, you have come out and finally say it. Who hired them? What qualifications did they possess? Would either of them have scored a job anywhere else with similar qualifications and judgement? ...
It is What I Have Been Saying: Tillich
Paul Tillich, in 1944, spoke to the history of Existential Thought (attached below). Incredibly, it is exactly what I have stated in the one paragraph below. It is what I have been saying for the last two years, for those who I have sought attention from, and I have...
It is Not Only Me Saying It: The Now-Open Dirty (corrupt) Secret of National-State and University Governance READ!!!! THINK!!!! ACT!!!! David C.K. Curry, The Gutting...
What it is Costing Me for What a Higher Education Institution Ought to Be Paying Me
My direct business costs, as a history consultant in Queensland, is a little over $5,000 over six months, but my living costs, being able to do the work of a history consultant, is over three-time that amount. Many of the cost items for the budget are indirect...
2024-04-05 RGSQ Reply to Dr Buch. Understanding Differences and Perspective
2024-04-05 RGSQ Reply to Dr Buch ******* 6 April 2024 Dr Neville Buch 18 Callendar Street Sunnybank Hills Q 4109 [email protected] Dear Dr Buch Thank you for providing feedback on the forum, A Housing Crisis – Queensland...
Why do we put up with it?
Why do we put up with it? Cultural misbehaviour sells the media story, and demonstrates what I have long said about the educational unintelligence of the Australian media. ...of course, I am not saying there are not excellent...
Educational Placement Poverty and Generations
In the 2021 Australian and New Zealand History of Education Society (ANZHES) paper, Lived higher education policy and grand generational narratives at the University of Melbourne 2005-2008: An educational critique of Karl...
BACK-UP. THE TECHNOLOGICAL ATTACK. Re: Education ? Placement poverty in Australia (Case Ref: LW62300)
Dear ...everyone thinking in Australia, [This post reproduces an email to the Australian public persons. It was the second email sent. The system is attempting to destroy the capacity for the information technology as in email workhorses to handle...