
Speaking Truth to Power: Range Of Personal Semantics

Speaking Truth to Power: Range Of Personal Semantics

My response to the LinkedIn campaign, “How do you combine research and teaching in higher education?”, “Powered by AI and the LinkedIn community”.     I combine research and teaching in higher education by being personal. And it seems as if that is difficult...

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We Know What We Are Talking About, But Do the Corporates?

We Know What We Are Talking About, But Do the Corporates?

A comment on the state of intelligence in the global corporate world, here in Australia and elsewhere. Apologizes to the poets, including myself. The point is that the corporates have no poetic sensibility nor interest in the insights of poetry.   We Know What We...

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Types of Races — Rats, Foxes, or Tortoises

Types of Races — Rats, Foxes, or Tortoises

The "The Tortoise and the Hare" is one of Aesop's Fables and is numbered 226 in the Perry Index. The account of a race between unequal partners has attracted conflicting interpretations. The fable itself is a variant of a common folktale theme in which ingenuity and...

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Part Three: Urban Rebellion and Community Education

Part Three: Urban Rebellion and Community Education

Today, I welcome the opportunity to say a few words on linking "town planning rebellion" and the Brisbane history(ies) of local studies and the examination of municipal governance. Two names. In the case of the former, Rod Fisher, and, in the case, of the latter, John...

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