What Is History Meaning?

History is Events, People, Places, and Themes. That seems clear enough to most readers of history. What is less obvious and often missed is the meaning of Events, People, Places, and Themes, and thus the meaning of history. Many feel that in just mapping such elements and knowing where things fit chronologically, we have history. Nothing could be further from the truth. In such an outlook we have not really discovered history.

Truth Matters, Now and Later

Truth Matters, Now and Later

It has been said so many times, but who listens and understands?     Featured Image: ORDER NUMBER: 27495; DATE: October 9, 2023; TOTAL: $35.00; PAYMENT METHOD: Credit Card https://marketoonist.com/

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Judith Brett on Character

Judith Brett on Character

Judith Brett on Character https://www.themonthly.com.au/issue/2023/august/judith-brett/pwc-and-question-character   I am very impressed with Judith’s (if I can be informal in my personal character) essay in The Monthly (August 2023).       There...

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