- Introducing History Service – Digital History Imagery
One of the new, contemporaneous, practices in local history is the creation of digital image galleries.
For more information, please go to [click]
I will not rob public archives, and I do not for personal gain. All material from public archives requires full acknowledge and ought to have its full interpretation disclose. And…
Stephens at War Conference, at the Yeronga-Stephens RSL on 26 October.
I will presenting a paper on ‘Local History Beyond Appearance – To the hearts and minds of those who lived through World War I in the Stephens Shire.’
For more information, please go to [click]
This month only! If you ask for a service in Digital History Imagery, you will get 10% off the marketplace professional rate!
The above announcement is a piece of satire. Like all satire, there is a grain of truth. People sometimes do not get satire, so I will explain. Public history was once supported by public institutions. Under the narrative of neo-liberal economies, public history is now expected to be supported by the market. The problem, as explained by the best and honest economists, is that there are some areas of society that are not meant to be placed on the market, those areas that can never be ‘efficient’ (in reality) through competition policy. Researched education, learning and scholarship, is one of those areas.
Since neo-liberal politicians have won the day, those of us who are professional humanities and social science workers have been forced into a choice, with the exception in the paper-thin token number of colleagues, luck enough to have one of the very few positions still open at universities, or other public institutions. We are forced to choose to abandon our careers in professional research, even as we have proved ourselves in higher degrees and quality publications, OR we place our services to the marketplace, until the day returns when we are sufficiently employed back in the public sphere.
The grain of truth in the above satire piece is that I will provide a history service for a price, negotiable around the Professional Historians Australia fee scale. The other business option is lobbying for the return of public funding levels to public institutions for the sufficient employment of professional researchers.
Image: ID 59987722 © Panupong Naksuppamit | Dreamstime.com
Neville Buch
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