Dear friends,
It seems that university academics have existed for too long in the ivory tower, that they do not understand the dynamics of interdisciplinary studies and research. Take, for example, the Monash Study where “50 Monash executives and researchers found that ‘tangible’ factors were the main barriers to multidisciplinary research.” My paper for The Australian Sociological Association (TASA) called, “Emotion, Caring, and Convival Urban Sociology Between the Academy and Community,” does a far better job of examining the factors in the university barriers to interdisciplinary studies and research (presentation on Tuesday 28 November 2023 at the University of Sydney). Quite simply, it is the disengagement with community research and education.
The university perspective, from the Monash Study, is merely moving “deck chairs around”.
Kind regards,
Neville. doi/full/10.1080/1360080X. 2023.2267719
Featured Image: The University of Queensland, circa 1963. Source: State Library of-Queensland. Finlay. (2004). University of Queensland, 1963. John Oxley Library, State Library of Queensland.