From one of the millions…
“I’m in my second year of being shamefully unemployed, having been unsuccessful in 90% (probably higher) of the many, many, many jobs I’ve applied for.
I don’t know if I’m the only one, but I am getting seriously bored and annoyed when I get my rejection email with the “100s of people applied so we can’t give feedback,” if I even get an email.
I’m sorry, but that’s a crap excuse, we put time and effort into making sure the CV and cover letter are the best they could possibly be (being dyslexic, I’m even stricter on spelling and grammar). I think you should be able to give at least three bullet points about how we can be better the next time applying for a job at your company.” (not me, but one of the millions like me)
hashtag unemployment hashtag jobsearching hashtag work hashtag jobs
I find no evidence that the problem is the normative pattern of the economics. That is the most poorest of excuses, and the economists know it.
What I find is the poorest thinking in the cognition histories and sociology, such that it is grossly, ethically, corrupted thinking.
Featured Image: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – Dec 17, 2017: Brazilian homeless man sleeps rough on the street. Rio de Janeiro has serious issues with poverty made worse by an economic crisis. ID 108261052 © Brasilnut |
Neville Buch
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