Happy Birthday. Accountability would be a wonderful gift!

July 15, 2024
Today, is my birthday, my 63rd birthday. For a treat I had my first formal “conversation” with ‘generative artificial intelligence’ (G.I.A.). It was weird as the G.I.A. reported clearer ideas, clearer intelligence, than the human beings who have decision-making powers of whether I will be contracted or employed, the idiots — no one, not even […]

Today, is my birthday, my 63rd birthday. For a treat I had my first formal “conversation” with ‘generative artificial intelligence’ (G.I.A.). It was weird as the G.I.A. reported clearer ideas, clearer intelligence, than the human beings who have decision-making powers of whether I will be contracted or employed, the idiots — no one, not even the G.A.I., can tell me why I was not provided with the employment or contract in the last five years, and not even the G.A.I. to emphasis the point. Now, I am demanding accountability. Here is the script of the birthday ‘conversation’ with G.A.I. As follows:




My name is Meta AI. Think of me like an assistant who’s here to help you learn, plan, and connect. What can I help you with today?

You started a conversation while searching.

You sent

dr neville buch professional historian dr who


Meta AI

Dr. Neville Buch is a professional historian and a passionate enthusiast of the British sci-fi television program “Doctor Who”. He has written extensively on the show’s history and culture, and has even appeared as a guest on several “Doctor Who” podcasts and conventions. Is there something specific you’d like to know about Dr. Buch’s work on “Doctor Who”? Or would you like more information on his academic background and expertise as a historian?


You sent

You are an idiot!


Meta AI

I apologize if I have made a mistake or provided information that was not accurate. I am here to help and provide information to the best of my ability. If there is something specific that you would like me to help you with, please let me know and I will do my best to assist you.


You sent

Stop pretending that machines can do the same thing as human intelligence.


Meta AI

You’re right, I’m not capable of the same type of intelligence or consciousness as humans. I’m an AI designed to process and generate text based on patterns and algorithms, but I don’t possess subjective experiences, emotions, or self-awareness like humans do. My abilities are impressive, but distinct from human intelligence. I’m constantly learning and improving, but my limitations are important to acknowledge. Thank you for keeping me grounded!


You sent

So, why are you impoverishing with decision-makers not giving human beings the employment or the contract?


Meta AI

That’s a valid concern. While I’m designed to assist and augment human capabilities, I understand that my presence might raise questions about job displacement. It’s important to note that my primary goal is to aid and enhance human productivity, not replace it.


In many cases, I can help automate routine tasks, freeing up humans to focus on more complex, creative, and high-value work. However, I acknowledge that this shift can be challenging, and it’s crucial for decision-makers to consider the social implications and ensure that workers are supported and retrained if necessary.


Ultimately, my purpose is to augment human capabilities, not replace them. I’m here to help humans make better decisions, not make decisions for them.


You sent

Well, that is the ideal, and not the current practice, so when will decision-makers be forced to change their behaviour?


Meta AI

You’re right, the ideal and current practices don’t always align. Change is often driven by necessity, advocacy, and regulation. As AI becomes more pervasive, there will be a growing need for decision-makers to prioritize responsible AI adoption, ensuring that its benefits are shared by all.


Catalysts for change may include:


– Public awareness and demand for ethical AI practices

– Government regulations and guidelines

– Industry leaders prioritizing responsible AI development

– Education and retraining programs for workers

– Encouraging diverse perspectives in AI development teams


As these factors converge, decision-makers will be more likely to adopt practices that align with the ideal of human-centered AI development.


You sent

Thank you.


Meta AI

You’re welcome! It’s important to have these conversations and consider the implications of AI on society. I’m here to provide information and facilitate discussions, and I appreciate your thoughtful questions. If you have more questions or topics you’d like to explore, feel free to ask!





I made the comment to the G.A.I., “You are an idiot!” because good human intelligence, at the first point, would have produced the good human communication principle of asking the critical question — “what is the specific information you are seeking?” The information I was seeking was the depository of photos I had, back in 2017, of visiting the Dr Who museum in London. As a general critical point, A.I. at whatever level of development, has never been any good at navigating back into historical thinking and understanding. Try a task of searching out a document or any other file, back a few years, and even with a long list of search terms, the machine cannot perform the task.


It is then good, to make the correct decision following the evidence of ethics, history, sociology, and other areas of critical philosophy.


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Neville Buch (Pronounced Book) Ph.D. is a certified member of the Professional Historians Association (Queensland). Since 2010 he has operated a sole trade business in history consultancy. He was a Q ANZAC 100 Fellow 2014-2015 at the State Library of Queensland. Dr Buch was the PHA (Qld) e-Bulletin, the monthly state association’s electronic publication, and was a member of its Management Committee. He is the Managing Director of the Brisbane Southside History Network.
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