Paul Tillich, in 1944, spoke to the history of Existential Thought (attached below). Incredibly, it is exactly what I have stated in the one paragraph below. It is what I have been saying for the last two years, for those who I have sought attention from, and I have...
Why do we put up with it?
Why do we put up with it? Cultural misbehaviour sells the media story, and demonstrates what I have long said about the educational unintelligence of the Australian media. ...of course, I am not saying there are not excellent...
2023-08-28 Plea to the Queensland State Government
28 August 2023 Hon. Steven Miles Minister, State Development PO Box 15009 City East, QLD 4002 RE: The Gabba and Raymond Park Re-development Dear Premier, Deputy Premier, and the Queensland Cabinet, I am writing to you, for the senior members of...
Conversation out in the community of the Southern Brisbane region
Dear Councilors and State Members, This is a conversation out in the community of the Southern Brisbane reigion on the Council's and the State Government's capacity to think on heritage issues at the standard of contemporary scholarship and education (bcc). The...
The Southern Brisbane Suburban Forum Inc.’s Briefing-Submission on the State Government’s South East Queensland Regional Plan 2023 Update (SEQRP).
The Southern Brisbane Suburban Forum Inc.’s Briefing-Submission on the State Government’s South East Queensland Regional Plan 2023 Update (SEQRP). Please read and download the document here. SBSF Briefing on the State SEQ Plan (Final 18 Aug 23)
Why and Not Quora? Automation Failure in Machine Learning (A.I.) and the Truth Value of Community Education
Why and Not Quora? Automation Failure in Machine Learning (A.I.) and the Truth Value of Community Education [Teaching Document Copy] “Quora advertises with the slogan ‘The best answer to any question’, ‘Quora aggregates questions and answers to topics....
The Philosophy in Society Essay
Book: No Regrets in the Evening of Life
Under the Skin – Human Passion & Reason in War & Peace
Dr Neville Buch gave his talk at the QANZAC 100 Fellows - Under The Skin, where he shared the views of eight (8) Queensland thinkers during the time of World War 1. His publication can be found here and the website with more information such as the scatterplot...