Thinking in the Political Landscape

February 1, 2025
    After decades of writing in applied history, sociology, philosophy, religion, and ethos-spirituality, I come to realise that the barrier for the general population in understanding is not understanding the cognition sociology and histories. In the past few years, I have been writing on this topic. In August 2023 I published an article entitled, […]



After decades of writing in applied history, sociology, philosophy, religion, and ethos-spirituality, I come to realise that the barrier for the general population in understanding is not understanding the cognition sociology and histories. In the past few years, I have been writing on this topic. In August 2023 I published an article entitled, “Urban Sociology and Philosophic Thinking”.




In that article, I stated that:[1]




The city has always been seen as the brain’s in civilising behaviour, not the heart. Twentieth century thinkers challenged that proposition, offering images of a pulsating and rhythmic city life. The challenge in the twentieth-first century is avoiding the imaged (dystopian) actualisation of the dead heart, the city in ruins from a planetary disaster. Civilisations do die, but the choice for long and healthy living is ours: sustainability.




In today’s The Saturday Paper (1 February 2025), Barry Jones wrote a piece called, “The case for bravery and frankness in politics.” Indeed, today I found that several mediums had the vehicle to open up the discussion of “Thinking in the Political Landscape.”




Jones perceivably stated that:[2]




Australia is one of a handful of nations where the concept and practice of liberal democracy can survive, but only if citizens are prepared to fight for it. In the United States it may be too late….




In the past few decades, where there has been bipartisan support for free-market economics and a managerial approach to running governments, parties have become risk-averse and serious policy debates are avoided. In addition, political parties are increasingly stacked with apparatchiks and careerists.




Now there is a thorough rejection of evidence. Testable propositions are often displaced by tribalism, harvesting fear and rage and the domination of opinion….




Among Whitlam, Fraser, Keating, Don Dunstan, Bob Carr, Kevin Rudd and Malcolm Turnbull there were passions for Graeco–Roman ruins, Mahler’s symphonies, Marcus Aurelius, chamber music, theology and collecting paintings. These are not majority interests but were accepted as being “authentic”. They did not attempt to ingratiate themselves as just being part of the mob. They were not.




Jones described much better the thinking in the political landscape then I have previously. The argument goes to the importance of almost every modern issue, and not merely the nonsense arguments focused on gender.[3]





The issue, though, is that our American and Australian institutions have become ethically corrupted, with universities rolling over and reducing the higher education curriculum, all to appease government policy; despite its severe intellectual failures.[4]





However, the individuals of the hoi polloi are also responsible in the state of affair:




“The Anglican Catholic Church said it had revoked the license of one of its priests Wednesday after he delivered “a gesture that many have interpreted as a pro-Nazi salute” at the National Pro-Life Summit in Washington days earlier.” [5]




We all have responsibilities to challenge the thinking in the political landscape.




Featured Image: Global Geopolitical Strategy Unveiled Chess Pieces on a World Map at Night Highlighting International Relations and. This captivating night photograph showcases chess pieces strategically positioned across a world map, offering a unique visual metaphor for global geopolitical strategy and international relations. The dramatic lighting emphasizes the intricate power dynamics at play across continents. Each piece, meticulously placed, represents a nation or bloc, suggesting alliances, conflicts, and potential. It is also symbolic that the thinking has become captive to game thinking. ID 349761222 © Sirinporn Phaisri |










[1] Buch, Neville (2023). Urban Sociology and Philosophic Thinking for Sustainable Living, and Thinking in the City, Dr Neville Buch ABN 86703686642,




[2] Jones, Barry (2025). The case for bravery and frankness in politics, The Saturday Paper (1 February 2025),




[3] Elikin, Sam (2025). Trump reignites gender battleground worldwide, The Saturday Paper (1 February 2025),





[4] Pettit, Emma (2025). Florida University System Approves a New Gen-Ed Curriculum After Law Restricted ‘Exploratory’ Content (January 30, 2025), and Emma Pettit and Megan Zahneis. (2025).  The Curricular Cull: Inside a sweeping attempt to regulate general education in Florida (January 29, 2025), The Chronicle of Higher Education.




[5] Brasch, Ben (2025). Church ousts priest who copied Musk’s inauguration salute at pro-life event, The Washington Post (31 January 2025).

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Neville Buch (Pronounced Book) Ph.D. is a certified member of the Professional Historians Association (Queensland). Since 2010 he has operated a sole trade business in history consultancy. He was a Q ANZAC 100 Fellow 2014-2015 at the State Library of Queensland. Dr Buch was the PHA (Qld) e-Bulletin, the monthly state association’s electronic publication, and was a member of its Management Committee. He is the Managing Director of the Brisbane Southside History Network.

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