The Glided Age of Donald Trump and Mass Movements

January 21, 2025
        Buckley’s Chance, Cultural Thinking of Trumpism, and History A Review of 70 Years in American-Australian Intellectual History and Regional Studies (Sociology of Education and Urban Sociology) By Neville Buch, MPHA (Queensland) Dr Neville Buch ABN 86703686642       Originally: Buckley’s Chance, Cultural Thinking of Trumpism, and History     […]





Buckley’s Chance, Cultural Thinking of Trumpism, and History
A Review of 70 Years in American-Australian Intellectual History and
Regional Studies (Sociology of Education and Urban Sociology)
By Neville Buch, MPHA (Queensland)
Dr Neville Buch ABN 86703686642





Buckley’s Chance, Cultural Thinking of Trumpism, and History




It amazes me that the reaction thinking can swallow up social movements into the madness of the mob. Yes, when layout on a spectrum, it is only a minority position, but, in which case, the reaction thinking becomes the majority outlook through the echo chamber of the techné .





Think of what Eric Hoffer said in 1951, in The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements.



A mass movement with a concrete, limited objective is likely to have a shorter active phase than movement with a nebulous, indefinite objective. The vague objective is perhaps indispensable for the development of chronic extremism. Said Oliver Cromwell: “A man never goes so far as when he does not know whither he is going.” (Hoffer, The True Believer, Perennial Harper, 157)




Cromwell, as Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland (16 December 1653 – 3 September 1658), was in power five years and turned the nation, ultimately, to opposition of his policies.







Buch, Neville (2024). Buckley’s Chance, Cultural Thinking of Trumpism, and History, Dr Neville Buch 86703686642, February 2, 2024.




Buch, Neville (2024). The Socio-Political Landscapes of the New Sociology of Culture and Cognition: A Tour through the History of Education field (1970-2030). Australian Sociological Association, Perth, 25-27 November 2024.




Buch, Neville (2024). Workshop Paper: Buckley in Australia: Considering Local Social Discourses among the Australian States (1938-1987). Conservative Public History Workshop, English, American Studies and Creative Writing, University of Manchester, 20 June 2024.




Buch, Neville (2023). Research Note: Anglo-American Major Belief-Doubt Systems, , 27 July 2023.




Buch, Neville (2021). Politics in the Age of Uncertainty: Anti-intellectualism, Expertise, and the Technological Agenda in Queensland Politics, 1911-2011, a paper of local-regional relevance, 2021 Australian Political Studies Association Annual Conference, 21 September 2021.




Neville Buch, (2021). Finding Peace from the Culture-History War: A Historiographical Message for the Times. Academia Letters, Article 1916.


Buch, Neville (2019). The Changing Definition of Peace, Part 1: The Status Quo of Thinking in Queensland during the Armistice. Queensland History Journal, Royal Historical Society Queensland. Volume 24, No. 1, May 2019.




Buch, Neville (2019). The Changing Definition of Peace, Part 2: The Shifting of Thinking in Queensland during the Armistice. Queensland History Journal, Royal Historical Society Queensland. Volume 24, No. 1, May 2019.




Buch, Neville (1995). American Influence on Protestantism in Queensland since 1945, Ph.D. thesis, Department of History, University of Queensland, August 1994, Awarded April 1995.



Buch, Neville (1987). Protestant Churches and their Attitude to Public Issues in Queensland 1919-1939, Honours Thesis, Department of History, University of Queensland, November 1987.




Hoffer, Eric (1951).  The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements, Perennial Harper.




Wallace, Chris (2025). A tale of two campaign launches, The Saturday Paper, January 18 – 24, 2025 | No. 533.








“When you change the government, you change the nation, Paul Keating once said. United States president-elect and convicted felon Donald Trump’s inauguration isn’t until 4am Tuesday (AEDT), but he’s already changing America and the world – and potentially influencing the Australian election result.”




1. Culture-History Warfare political rhetoric is nonsense: See (7) Finding Peace from the Culture-History War: A Historiographical Message for the Times.






 3. The failures in the Australian economy and higher education policies: See (7) The Role of the Intellectual in the Australian Economy







We are not stupid, we, who are educated.



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Neville Buch (Pronounced Book) Ph.D. is a certified member of the Professional Historians Association (Queensland). Since 2010 he has operated a sole trade business in history consultancy. He was a Q ANZAC 100 Fellow 2014-2015 at the State Library of Queensland. Dr Buch was the PHA (Qld) e-Bulletin, the monthly state association’s electronic publication, and was a member of its Management Committee. He is the Managing Director of the Brisbane Southside History Network.

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